November 2024
Tempe Javitz gave an informative talk about the National Society of Colonial Dames of America and their San Francisco Octagon House. Built in 1861, the Octagon House is a historical landmark, and one of two remaining 19th century octagonal houses in the city. The house was rescued from destruction in 1952 by the National Society of Colonial Dames in California, and is their headquarters. The museum collection contains portraits, ceramics, pewter and needlework, as well as an exhibit of historical documents relevant to the founding of our nation.

June 2024
Former Governor of the Sequoia Colony, Louise Dedera gave a fascinating talk about her ancestors from Connecticut, who had settled in an area that would later become Pennsylvania, and their roles and travails during the Revolutionary War.

March 2024
The Sequoia Colony and the San Francisco Colony held a joint meeting at the Allied Arts Guild. Members passed the microphone and told diverse stories from our family trees. One member shared a rubbing of an ancestor’s gravestone, and a guest told the story of her ancestors’ connection to the Speedwell.
November 2023
California Deputy Governor North and Sequoia Colony Membership Chair, Diane Douglass, called the fall luncheon meeting to order. After lunch, Sue Ross, Regent of the Los Gatos Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), talked about DAR history, and philanthropic opportunities. The state organization's theme is "Growing together in Friendship and Service to God, Home, and Country" Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the DAR has over 190,000 members nationally.

“The Voyage of Hope – 1620” float won the Americana Award at the 2020 Rose
Parade for the “Most outstanding depiction of national treasures and traditions.”